s1e3: Crypto Gaming
On the surface, the Gaming and Blockchain industries are a match made in heaven, combining the best in innovative tech and entertainment. In this episode, crypto-gaming entrepreneurs from Canada, the United States and the Netherlands set out to prove they have what it takes to become the next gaming powerhouse. Will they have what it takes to impress the Killer Whale judges and swim to safety? Tune in to find out.
Meet the whales
Illa Da Producer
Music Producer / Yuga Labs Community & Partnership Lead
Ran Neuner
Founder Crypto Banter Media & VC
Wendy o
Media Entrepreneur
Austin Arnold
Media Entrepreneur
Aaron Arnold
Media Entrepreneur

The crypto-revolution will be televised. Entrepreneurs from all over the world travel to Hollywood to face the Killer Whale judges, in the hope that they can walk away with the coveted "Swim" vote and win the mentorship needed to take their projects to the next.